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Can Physical or Occupational Therapy Help Treat Chronic Dizziness?
Yes! A specialized type of therapy, called Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR), has been found to help heal chronic dizziness from either Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD) or Vestibular Migraine (VM). In fact, VR has been found to be one of the most important components of PPPD or VM treatment.
Can I Go to Any Therapist?
VR is a type of therapy performed by those who have specific training in treating dizziness and instability. You will want to find therapists who have this training. If therapy has not worked in the past, don't worry! Often, a different, more experienced and/or more specialized therapist can help. Always try again, even if 1-2 initial attempts at therapy have not been successful.
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© 10 February 2023 University of Utah and Intermountain Healthcare