DISCLAIMER: This is an educational site for patients, caregivers, and medical providers. This information was accurate as of the date presented. Consult local medical authority or your healthcare provider for specific advice and referrals.
Pronunciation Guide
Audiologist [ah-dee-AHL-uh-jist]
Computerized Dynamic Posturography [poss-tyur-AH-gruh-fee]
Electrocochleography [ee-lek-troh-cahk-lee-AH-gruh fee]
Myogenic [my-oh-JEHN-ik]
Neurologist [nur-AHL-uh-jist]
Neuro-ophthalmologist [nur-oh-opf-thah-MAHL-uh-jist]
Neurotologist [nur-oh-ah-TAHL-uh-jist]
Otolaryngologist [ah-tow-lair-in-GAHL-uh-jist]
Vestibular [ves-STIB-yoo-lahr]
Videonystagmograhy [vid-ee-oh-neh-stag-MAH-gruh-fee]
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© 10 February 2023 University of Utah and Intermountain Healthcare