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What Is Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR) and How Can It Help Treat Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD or 3PD)?
Vestibular Rehabilitation or VR is a type of therapy performed by specialized physical therapists or occupational therapists. VR is the specific type of therapy that research has found can help heal Persistent Postural-Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD or 3PD). Studies show that these therapies are most effective when combined with medication and behavioral therapy.
How Can Vestibular Rehabilitation (VR) Help My Dizziness?
VR for PPPD involves working together with your therapist to retrain the balance systems in your brain. VR can help you lessen dizziness by doing the following:
- Lessening sensitivity to your own movement
- Lessening sensitivity to movement around you (visual motion sensitivity)
- Improving your balance capacity and confidence
- Improving your endurance and fitness
- Improving capacity to better control and manage your symptoms
- Providing structure to return to activities that you did previously
What Type of Treatment Techniques Will VR Use to Help Lessen My Dizziness?
- Education (3PD diagnosis, 3PD treatment rationale, 3PD healing potential)
- Repetitive, gradual, gentle exposures to what makes you dizzy (Habituation)
- Head or body movement (turning, picking up objects, etc.)
- Busy or moving environments (grocery stores, crowds, escalators, patterned carpets, etc.)
- Scrolling or watching videos on devices (phone, IPad, or TV)
- Balance retraining to recover more efficient and confident balance responses
- Aerobic Conditioning (walking, stationary bike, etc.)
- Building strategies to manage dizziness
- Relaxation training
- Wellness (sleep, pacing, etc.)
Additional Handouts for Patients and Providers
- Guide to Chronic Dizziness
- Chronic Dizziness and Vestibular Testing
- Persistent Postural Perceptual Dizziness (PPPD or 3PD)
- Medication guide
- Treating Chronic Dizziness (3PD) with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Vestibular Migraine
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© 10 February 2023 University of Utah and Intermountain Healthcare