AAN 2023 Hubs
Academic Hubs
Sunday, April 23
Topic: Get Social on Social Media: #Networking 101 for Professional Development
Presenter: Stacey Clardy, MD, PhD, FAAN
Summary: "Get Social on Social Media: #Networking 101 for Professional Development" will be an interactive discussion for those looking to expand their online presence and network through social media platforms. We will discuss the basics of creating and maintaining a professional social media profile, as well as strategies for networking and building relationships through social media. We will also discuss how to use social media to promote a personal brand/identity, connect with academic/industry leaders, and find new opportunities for professional development. By the end of the discussion, participants will have a deeper understanding of the power of social media for professional development and how to effectively use it to advance their careers.
Monday, April 24
Topic: Fundamentals for Associate Professors Seeking Promotion
Presenter: Brian D. Berman, MD, MS, FAAN, Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN, Sarah Elizabeth Zauber, MD, FAAN
Summary: At the end of the session, learners will have a framework to begin preparing and eventually applying for promotion to Professor including: the importance of learning about local institution rules (written and hidden), how to build the all-important external reputation, how to identify appropriate letter writers, and how to frame a personal statement.
Topic: Associate Professor Networking Event
Presenter: Samantha K. Holden, MD, MS, FAAN, Brian D. Berman, MD, MS, FAAN, Babar Khokhar, MD, FAAN, Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN
Summary: Calling all Associate Professors! Enjoy a networking reception to meet new contacts and enjoy connecting with old friends. Learn what other Associate Professors are doing in 2023.
Tuesday, April 25
Topic: Strategic Planning for Neurology Departments: Engaging Leaders in Driving Their Future
Presenter: Vivek Reddy, MD
Summary: Academic neurology departments face incredible headwinds as the demand for neurology clinical care continues to increase exponentially in the setting of tighter pressures of financial support for education and research missions. Every day challenges of recruitment, patient needs, and provider burnout continue to take a toll on the health of departments, leading to high turnover and loss of engagement both at the leadership and individual faculty level. Engaging leadership on the vision of the department in an active strategic planning process can reset, rejuvenate, and maximize alignment across teams.
Topic: Bridging the Professional and Personal: Children, Caregiving, and Neurology
Presenter: Jana Wold, MD, Thabele M. Leslie-Mazwi, MD
Summary: To be a neurologist is to care deeply for patients, and to devote many waking hours to this great field of medicine. To be a neurologist is also to be a human being with loved ones and relationships that require cultivation and care. Sometimes these two aspects of our being can appear to be in conflict rather than communion. Join us as we discuss strategies for this tension between work and family, and the blending of the two.
Topic: Sabbaticals: A Time for Resetting and Reflection
Presenter: Kathleen B. Digre, MD, FAAN
Summary: This session will discuss the importance of sabbaticals to neurologists in academia and in practice. The ancients recognized the need for a sabbatical to provide intellectual renewal and reflection. We will discuss why do a sabbatical, what kinds of sabbaticals are out there, and how to pursue a sabbatical. At the end of the session, the attendee will understand the many purposes of a sabbatical—including conducting special research, writing a book, improving teaching skills, curriculum development, graduate work, and working in a different location. We will discuss suggestions for a successful sabbatical.
Wednesday, April 26
Topic: So Your Manuscript/Abstract Didn't Get Accepted…What Now?
Presenter: Adam De Havenon, MD
Summary: We typically put a lot of effort into our manuscripts and abstract submissions and when they get rejected, there can be feelings of anger, remorse, and even grief. But the quality of "grit," or call it perseverance, is essential to a career in academic medicine focused on the role of a clinician-scientist. Learning how to weather that storm and emerge stronger is critical, particularly as you graduate into the realm of submitting grant applications. In this session, we will discuss practical and, perhaps, unpractical ways to move past a rejection and onwards towards success. The path is not easy, but necessary and, ultimately, fruitful.
Topic: Division Chief Boot Camp
Presenter: Ihtsham Haq, MD, FAAN, Antonio M. P. Omuro, MD, FAAN, Jaya Raghav Trivedi, MD, FAAN, Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN
Summary: Division chiefs are a crucial element to advance the mission of neurology departments and influence their members' careers. Participants will learn about multiple topics of interest to current and aspiring division chiefs, including faculty hiring and development, financial structure of the department, advancing the academic mission, creating cohesion within the division, influencing culture, and strategy planning.
Thursday, April 27
Topic: I'm an Associate Professor: Now What and How Do I Balance It All?
Presenter: Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN, Amanda L. Jagolino-Cole, MD, FAAN
Summary: The mid-career, associate professor stage can be overwhelming with its many opportunities and requirements. This is an open discussion about how to be proactive in your career choices, including creating opportunities that fit with your career goals and the needs of your institution, without losing your mind.
Research Hubs
Monday, April 24
Topic: Hope Message
Presenter: Carolina B. Maciel, MD, MSCR, FAAN
Summary: Research innoculates us with hope. Hear from researchers about what fills their cup with hope and motivates them to continue neurologic research.
Tuesday, April 25
Topic: Coffee Connect: Underrepresented Researchers
Presenter: Carolina B. Maciel, MD, MSCR, FAAN, Marisela E. Dy-Hollins, MD, MSCR, Hugo Javier Aparicio, MD
Summary: Grab a cup of coffee and connect with underrepresented researchers about all things research.
Wednesday, April 26
Topic: Lessons Learned from Multi-Center Trial Submissions
Presenter: Stacey Clardy, MD, PhD, FAAN
Summary: Submitting a multi-center trial grant is not only time-consuming but also confusing as to the many steps and timelines. This dynamic talk will offer practical tips and solutions for trial submission, based on the presenter's personal experience developing the now NIH-funded EXTINGUISH trial.
HeadTalks Hubs
Wednesday, April 26
Topic: Forged in Adversity: Insights on Leadership
Presenter: Thabele M. Leslie-Mazwi, MD, David M. Greer, MD, FAAN, Cathy A. Sila, MD, FAAN, Lee H. Schwamm, MD, FAAN, Jennifer J. Majersik, MD, FAAN
Summary: Adversity is a very powerful teacher. Join us as we explore the forge of adversity and the lessons learned from leading under such conditions. Faculty will discuss four different phases in which adversity occurs: personal, departmental, institutional, and external to the institution. What worked, what did not, and why? Four influential leaders from the world of neurology will share their unique stories and the resulting insights in this interactive and highly informative format.